
Help files associated with the M3 13.4 upgrade - 6/24/2019

MMS121 allocation panel does not open – storage method 1-single location
CO line is for warehouse 320, item Q211953.     Select CO line + option 15 allocation. “MMS121 – Allocation. Perform detailed” does not op...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 8:05 AM
What is a division, a facility and a warehouse in M3?
What is a division, a facility and a warehouse in M3?   Introduction   In M3, Company and divisions are defined as legal units. Each division ...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:10 AM
Password Protected M3 Functions
How to log in to password protected M3 programs   Some users need to be able to access some functions in M3 that require an extra login. A good example ...
Thu, 18 Jul, 2024 6:45 AM
How can I check which and how M3 functions are connected to M3 roles for M3 security?
If you are a manager or supervisor, you may need to ask / approve access for an M3 account. M3 security is role based: when adding an M3 role, a set of fu...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 8:17 AM
MMS030 – Define Names and Languages for an Item
This document explains how you define names and languages for an item in order to adjust it for foreign markets. These names and languages are only appl...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:10 AM
Report PMS130 put-away for production without record in LIS200 / manually create LIS200 record
PMS100 shows that PMS050 has been reported, but not PMS130 put-away for production. If item is quality inspected and set up is done in LIS100, a re...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 8:48 AM
MMS002/PPS044 - How to update supply lead time for purchased items
MMS002/PPS044 - How to update supply lead time for purchased items 1. Using MMS002 to update supply lead time    The supplier lead time can ...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:10 AM
PPS100 – Entering purchase agreement at the warehouse level
    PPS100 – Entering purchase agreement at the warehouse level The purchase agreement can be used in planned purchase orders and in purchase orders. ...
Tue, 27 Jun, 2023 4:20 PM
PMS280 - How to update changes in the Product Structures in open MOs
PMS280 - How to update changes in the Product Structures in open MOs     1.  Using PMS280 to update product structure in open MO’s   Once changes ...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:11 AM
How to enter sales price with multiple decimals in CO lin
Many items have a sales price unit of measure TON => sales price can be entered per 1000KG. Most likely there will not be an issue if only 2 decimals ca...
Mon, 5 Aug, 2024 2:07 AM