This document explains how you define names and languages for an item in order to adjust it for foreign markets. These names and languages are only applicable for external documents that have been configurated to show translated names/description.


1. Creating a name and a description in other language for an item 


Start 'Item. Enter Names/Languages' (MMS030).


On the B panel, fill in the 'Item number' field for the item to which you want to connect a language and a name.


Fill the Language in the Lng field and click Create.


 On the E panel, fill in the 'Name per language' field and the Description field and click Next. 


The entered name and language are shown in the B panel.



2. Checking names per language in MMS001


In MMS01/B, right-click in the item and then select Related/Names/Language option to go to MMS030.


In MMS030, you can see names and languages connected to the item.


You can connect several names/languages to an item.

The external documents will show the name/description in according to the language that is connected to the supplier in CRS620 and the customer in CRS610. And it will be done only for documents that have been configured accordingly by the M3 Business Process team. A ticket should be submitted to Helpdesk for the documents that needs to be configured.




PPS040/E – Shows the translated name and description based on the supplier language.

PPS201/I – The PO line shows the translated description based on the supplier language.