Many items have a sales price unit of measure TON => sales price can be entered per 1000KG. Most likely there will not be an issue if only 2 decimals can be used in the sales price.

However, there can be an issue working with other U/M, e.g. EA.


Only 2 decimals can be used in the sales price in EUR.


In this example, user wanted to use more decimals, in CO line, selling to an internal customer. The item has 4 decimals in standard cost = 65,57/100 EA or 0,6657 / EA

Option / workaround: in the CO line, OIS101/E the sales price quantity can be entered.









In this example 66,57 per 100 eaches works.

Line amount for 1000 EA = 665,70€ as to be expected.


CO invoice in M3 is correct.


When printing the CO and CO invoice, it can be so that the sales price quantity is not printed, which may be confusing.