
Help files associated with the M3 13.4 upgrade - 6/24/2019

Item/supplier does not exist
It may occur that a warning message pops up during PO line entry, that Item/supplier does not exist. PPS095/F: some PO types, such as INV, require...
Mon, 19 Aug, 2024 5:37 AM
PPS200 – How to enter PO lines for several warehouses in a PO (INV)
PPS200 – How to enter PO lines for several warehouses in a PO (INV)   PPS200 – Create PO Type INV (inventory item) Inventory purchase orders are u...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:11 AM
How to set up Chrome for multiple M3 sessions
This solution will show how to configure Google Chrome to allow multiple concurrent M3 sessions.
Tue, 30 May, 2023 12:52 PM
How to access M3 Infocenter from a M3 program in H5
How to access M3 Infocenter from a M3 program in H5  1. Click on the questions mark (?) found in the right top of all M3 programs. Then, select Infoc...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:12 AM
How to remove 0 balance identity item from MWS060
In MWS060, there is some items show without on hand balance. This may be caused by the auto deletion setup is not enabled in MMS010. Example as below:...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 1:52 AM
How to change Tax Status on Customer
Open CRS610 Customer. Open in M3. Select the customer and right click to change the details. In CRS610/J Panel, change the Tax applicable to &q...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 1:56 AM
How to find/select Supplier in M3 Browse
When you do the purchase order entry in M3, you may face the difficulties to know what is the supplier code you should input for the item addition. In...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 1:50 AM
How to see department in PO lines
PPS200 – enter PO # + select Lines (CTRL + 11). Go into the PO line in display mode… Select Actions in top left corner   Select F11 – A...
Mon, 9 Sep, 2024 6:48 AM
Setting up printers in M3
The attached document will take you through the three step process to add a printer to M3.
Tue, 30 May, 2023 12:52 PM
MMS130 - How to reclass items to another item number, keeping the same lot number
MMS130 - Change item number on an existing lot. The purpose of this procedure is to show how to change the item number on a particular lot. This can b...
Tue, 6 Feb, 2024 5:12 AM