MMS130 - Change item number on an existing lot.

The purpose of this procedure is to show how to change the item number on a particular lot. This can be accomplished in MMS130.


1.   Item to change will need to have an on-hand balance.

You can check available balance in MWS060. Enter your warehouse and item number and you will be able to find the available lots.


2.    Open MMS130 to change item number.

Enter your item and lot number in the appropriate fields. You will not need to enter the warehouse or location. Click Next.



Sometimes you may see this error.


3.    Use LIS220 if you need to match LI spec numbers.

If you get the above error, open LIS220. Enter your warehouse, item and lot number and click apply.

 Take note of both LI Spec Numbers above and enter them in the LI spec no fields in MMS130.

You should now be able to proceed without error.

 NOTE: If you need to reclass only part of the quantity of the lot then you need to enter the Warehouse and Location in the B panel. That will allow you to enter the quantity you want to reclass in the panel E.

4.    Change item number in MMS130/E

Clicking Next will take you to MMS130/E. In this panel you will enter the New item number and the current lot number in the New lot no field. See below. 




Click Next. You will receive the following warning. Click OK, then Next again.


You will be taken back to MMS130/A. The reclassification has been completed.


5.    Use MWS060 to verify.

Open MWS060 and enter your new item number and the current lot number. You should see your new item in the list.

You can also enter the old item number and the lot number, and you will see the lot no longer exists for that item.

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