
Help files associated with the M3 13.4 upgrade - 6/24/2019

Work with Infor Pages - alternative to share favorites
This article explains how to easily create M3 favorites from the widget Recent. Unfortunately, those favorites can not be exported or imported. Atta...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:19 AM
How does the M3 MOD for MMS235 and LIS200 work
When an MO has been created, a record in LIS200 - Lab Inspection Request and MMS235 Lot Master can be created automatically, before any MO transaction has b...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:19 AM
How to trace order details based on SSCC number
Kemin started to use the SSCC = Serial Shipping Container Code in M3. If applicable the SSCC label has been applied on shipped goods. Therefore users ma...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:27 AM
Where to find transport information with regard to dangerous goods
Since the upgrade to M3 13.3 information for dangerous goods is stored in MWS001 – table MITTRS: MWS001/E                                             ...
Tue, 5 Mar, 2024 9:55 AM
Why can't I copy or remove details from M3 Quick Note
Quick Note is a very nice tool that can be used to drag and drop information from and to… However, this sometimes doesn’t work as you might expect, when y...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:28 AM
Do remains in status 66 in MMS100 – report DO receipt
It may occur that auto receipt does not work for a DO and the order remains in sts 66/66. Most likely the default location in the warehouse is not populat...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:31 AM
How to connect default packaging to item number in MMS053 (table MPACIT)
Packaging terms can be specified in the customer master / optional. If local exception exists for the customer, packaging terms may be different in MFS...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:32 AM
How to manually change MO status to 40 in PMS100
When an MO is created it gets status 20: Some users / BU’s want to manually change the order status when preparations have been done, e.g. changed mate...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:33 AM
How can i see the difference between stock corrections reported with MMS310 vs MMS100
Stock corrections reported with MMS100 have an order number, order type and order line.     Negative stock correction reported with MMS100 = transactio...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 5:34 AM
Where does expiry date come from in M3
Expiration date method is specified in MMS001/F.   Concerns a business decision (QC and/or IPRA), which expiration date method is used. !! Be awar...
Mon, 9 Sep, 2024 6:50 AM