Packaging terms can be specified in the customer master / optional.

If local exception exists for the customer, packaging terms may be different in MFS610/F panel!

Default packaging per item can be set up in MMS053 – table MPACIT.

It will also work with below record, where packaging term is left blank, unless an exception with different settings would be used with packaging term STD for above customer.

(tested 12-Mar-20).

The packaging will be defaulted as to be expected when packing goods from the picking list.

Minimum and maximum quantity can be overruled.

However, a warning will be displayed when quantity to pack exceeds maximum quantity.

Automatic packing => M3 will automatically pack per standard quantity, 1000 KG in this example.

Total quantity for below picking list = 10500.

=> Result of automatic packing = 10 pallets of 1000 and 1 pallet of 500KG: