Expiration date method is specified in MMS001/F.
Concerns a business decision (QC and/or IPRA), which expiration date method is used.
!! Be aware of below differences between method 1 vs 3 and 2 versus 4: update #days per warehouse separately or for all warehouses at once !!
Item RM00518 has expiration date method 2 = production date.
Since it is purchased, the manufacturing date is entered in the purchase order process.
Number of days comes from MMS002/I, which means this is specified per warehouse.
Below item/lot has been received in warehouse 300 => below # days is applicable.
Dates are in MMS235 panel E and F
This item/lot was received 02/03/2020.
Manufacturing date = 17/12/2019 + 730 days => expiration date = 16/12/2021.
Sales and best before date are the same, as the number of days is not populated in MMS002.
Expiration date is calculated only once, at PO or MO receipt.
After that, it will not be recalculated when number of days is changed.
However, QC Dept can change the exp. date with a reclassication, based on result from analyses.