1. Browse to URL https://uskiome1.ki.com/ to access the OME portal and Log in with your s-account

2. From the OpenManage Enterprise menu, under Devices, click All Devices.

  • Select or Click on the Name or IP Address field of the device that you want to update.


  • In the device overview page , select Firmware/Drivers.

We have (for now) two different baseline types.

One baseline that starts with "NO reboot" , that means that Dell servers will NOT reboot when you execute this baseline.

And the other baseline type start with "Reboot needed", that means that the Dell server will rebooted during the update process.

 Note: Be sure that you have a process that all VMs move to other host(s)



  • Select the firmware baseline that you want to execute.

Verify the REBOOT REQUIRED column and the components that needs to be upgraded.

  • Push on the Update button to start the upgrade process.




  • Click a second time to Update button.

(For now) I 'll keep the defaults and update immediately so that I can monitor the whole process.



  • Click on YES to start the update.



  • You can monitor this job via:

From the OpenManage Enterprise menu, under Monitor, click on Jobs to check progress discovery job.



  • See details (marked in yellow):