This article describes how to solve an issue which may occur when using Power BI desktop or Excel to connect to Azure cloud data warehouse.
Issue description:
When using Power BI desktop or Excel to connect to the cloud Azure server using the DNS name "", the following error message might be displayed: "The server name provided doesn't match the server name on the SQL Server SSL certificate".
After clicking the 'OK' button, the error message can be displayed again.
Issue solution:
This issue can be solved by verifying the configuration of an environmental variable on user's computer.
- Go to Windows Search type “Edit environment variables for your account” and open it.
- Click “New” under the “User variables” section in the Environment Variables window.
- In Variable name, enter PBI_SQL_TRUSTED_SERVERS
In Variable value, enter
- Click "OK" to save the new variable
- Restart Power BI desktop or Excel