This article describes how to solve an issue which may occur when using Power BI desktop or Excel to connect to Azure cloud data warehouse.

Issue description: 

When using Power BI desktop or Excel to connect to the cloud Azure server using the DNS name "", the following error message  might be displayed: "The server name provided doesn't match the server name on the SQL Server SSL certificate".

After clicking the 'OK' button, the error message can be displayed again. 

Issue solution

This issue can be solved by verifying  the configuration of an environmental variable on user's computer.

  • Go to Windows Search type “Edit environment variables for your account” and open it.

  • Click “New” under the “User variables” section in the Environment Variables window.
  • In Variable name, enter PBI_SQL_TRUSTED_SERVERS
  • In Variable value, enter
  • Click "OK" to save the new variable
  • Restart Power BI desktop or Excel