If a guest account is no longer needed then it will need to be disabled. Disabling a guest account requires a couple of steps since we need to log the change in status in our audit log.

1. Disable the guest account in Azure Go to the Microsoft Entra ID module in the Azure management portal https://portal.azure.com/ Go to the users section and search for the guest account to be disabled. Click on the user and go to Edit Properties and then go to the Settings tab and uncheck the box next to Account Enabled. Save the record.

2. Update the entry in the guest account audit log Go to the IT guest account audit log https://keminind.sharepoint.com/sites/SystemPortfolio/Lists/Guest%20Accounts/AllItems.aspx Search for the guest account and click on the name and then edit the record. Change the status to inactive. In the Notes field, add the date and the reason why the user was disabled. Save the record.