3E Generate "Unable to start".

The issue:

A user logs on to CITRIX and clicks "Prod - 3E Generate 70" or "Test - 3E Generate 70".

The application attempts to launch and then displays the message "Prod (or Test) - 3E Generate 70 Unable to start".

See the following screenshot:

Try the following (screenshot below):

  • Logon "USKIXENA1" - The "CITRIX Studio" server.
  • Open "CITRIX Studio".
  • Click on "Applications"
  • Click the system that is having the issue:
    • "Prod - 3E Generate 70"
    • "Test - 3E Generate 70"
  • Click the "Sessions" tab. (In the "Details" pane near the bottom of the widow.)
  • Select the user's session.
  • Click "Log Off".  (In the "Actions" pane near the right side of the window.)
  • Have the user logon again.
    • The "unable to start" message should be gone.
    • 3E Generate should launch as normal.