To uninstall Teams, you need to uninstall two items. Follow the steps below to fully uninstall Teams

  • Quit Teams by right-clicking the Teams icon.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


  • In Windows, click on the Start buttonStart button > Settings > Apps > Installed Apps.
  • Search for "teams" and then click on the 3 dots “…” to uninstall both Microsoft Teams and Teams Machine-Wide Installer.

 A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

* You may find only one item, no problem, just uninstall what you have found and go to the next step.
* In case a message appears asking: Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Select Yes.

* Next, step is to clear the Teams Cache in case any corrupted information is still stored after the uninstall.

Navigate to -> %localAppdata%\Packages (copy and paste this address into your explorer)

Search for a folder named MSTeams_XXXXXXXXXXXXX (The X's are a random string of characters) and delete it completely.

To install Teams

Download it here:
Second attempt installer in case first link does not work:

Just execute the file, no other configuration needed.