This describes the steps to add/edit Sample Templates in LabVantage.

Target Audience

LabVatange Administrators

LabVantage Applications Team

Lab Managers


NOTE:  At least one sample template per lab is required to properly add a request to the system.

NOTE:  You will only see request templates that are associated with your lab.

On the LIM Admin Menu, select the Request Templates option.


Refresh the list is nothing shows initially.

Add Sample Template

     a. Select Add


     b. Select the Sample Type Group from the dropdown.

          i.  A test method may have a rule in place to select which parameter list to add based on the sample type group.

          ii.  Can make it a little faster to log in sample details.

     c. Select the Sample Type from the dropdown is this is a sample template for a specific sample type.

     d. Add a description

     e.  Set the sample workflow

          i.  Auto Receive Sample - No

          ii.  Sample Receipt Required - No

         iii.  Sample Review Required - No

      f.  Set the Site to your lab

      g.  Set To Be Invoiced to nothing.

      h.  Set the Price List for your lab.


      i.  Save

      j.  Give the sample template a name


Edit Sample Template Tests

1.  Select the Tests tab

2.  Select Add


3.  Search and mark the tests to add.

4.  Use the Select Current & Return button


5.  Use the blue up and down arrow buttons along with marking the test to move to arrange the tests in the order that is preferred.



6, Save

7.  To remove tests, mark the tests to remove and select the Remove button.

Edit Sample Template Attributes

1.  Select Template Attributes tab

2.  Select Add


3,   Mark the attribute fields to add

4.   Select & Return


5.  The attribute fields can be customized to the template.

     a.  Add a reference type list to create a drop down list instead of a static field


     b.  Change the input of the field from a text box to a check box.


     c.  Set default value for the field.


     d. Make the field required to be filled out.


6.  Use the blue button arrows to put the fields in the order you prefer.


7. Save

8. Return