1. Create a RA0 credit note in OIS100, key in the reference customer order then click ‘Next’.




  1. Click Actions -> Close, without key in any item for the order line.







  1. Return to page OIS300, click on the credit note just created, right click select Charges.



  1. In OIS103, input FRT in Charge, and click on ‘+’ sign to create Charge.

  1. Input the Charge amount in negative value, then click Next.

  1. Charge amount created in negative value, then click on Actions -> Close.

  1. Return to OIS300, click on the credit note order, select the order lines to input the item.

  1. In OIS101, input the item in order line with return quantity and price.








  1. Input the location and lot number for returned item.





  1. Click on Action->Close after input the order line.

  1. Order in status 66, item returned to warehouse 504.

  1. Post the credit note in OIS180.






  1. Credit note created as below.