- Create a RA0 credit note in OIS100, key in the reference customer order then click ‘Next’.
- Click Actions -> Close, without key in any item for the order line.
- Return to page OIS300, click on the credit note just created, right click select Charges.
- In OIS103, input FRT in Charge, and click on ‘+’ sign to create Charge.
- Input the Charge amount in negative value, then click Next.
- Charge amount created in negative value, then click on Actions -> Close.
- Return to OIS300, click on the credit note order, select the order lines to input the item.
- In OIS101, input the item in order line with return quantity and price.
- Input the location and lot number for returned item.
- Click on Action->Close after input the order line.
- Order in status 66, item returned to warehouse 504.
- Post the credit note in OIS180.
- Credit note created as below.