This is how to renew the Certify Certificate required for Single Sign On.

1. Get Administrator rights to Certify

- Click the Gear in the Upper Right corner of the screen.

- In the "View & Edit Integrations" section click on Configure Single Sign-On

- Click the hyperlink "Download our Metadata"

A file will download called federationmetadata.xml

2. Copy federationmetadata.xml to \\USKIADFS3\Misc ADFS Files\

3. Remote into USKIADFS3

- Open Powershell with Admin rights

- Run this command: Update-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName 'Cert' -MetadataFile 'C:\Misc ADFS Files\federationmetadata.xml'

- Open AD FS and browse to Relying Party Trusts and Click on 'Cert'

- In the Actions section click on Refresh

- Right-Click on 'Cert' and choose Properties

- Click on the Encryption tab and verify the Expiration data has updated.

- Click on the Identifiers tab and verify both entries exist: 

4. Certificate Tracker

- Go to: IT System Portfolio - Certificate Tracker - All Items (

- Find the entry for Certify and update the Expiration date.

5. Rename federationmetadata.xml located in Misc ADFS Files to Certify_(Year), e.g. Certify_2024