Barracuda Essentials, our email security system, scans incoming and outgoing emails for Kemin emails. After emails are scanned, they are either delivered or quarantined (if they are deemed suspicious). If they are quarantined, the employee will have the opportunity to review them and deliver them, if necessary. However, the only way that an employee will know if they have quarantined emails is through a Quarantine Notification summary email. This article describes the procedure for an employee to configure these notifications and the frequency of delivery.
1. Open a web browser and navigate to Barracuda Essentials via
2. You will be prompted to enter your Kemin email address and click "Next", as shown below.
3. You will then need to enter your Kemin password (The one you login to your computer with) and click "Log In".
4. After you login, you will need to click on "Settings", followed by "Quarantine Notification" from the menu at the top.
5. This will take you to the settings that you can configure the scheduling for the quarantine notifications. If you no longer want to receive any quarantine notifications, make sure the "Never" option is checked. If you want the quarantine notifications to be scheduled at a specific day, time, and interval, make sure you click "Scheduled". If you want to set the frequency that notifications will be emailed to you, you can click the small box in the table that corresponds to the day and time. Multiple boxes can be selected. So, if you want to receive the quarantine email summary every day of the week between 8:00am - 9:00am, click the box under 08 09 for every day on the left hand side. If you wanted to receive the quarantine notification every hour of every day, you can click every box in the table.
6. When you are done configuring the schedule, be sure to click the "Save" icon in the upper right hand side of the screen.