On Thursday, February 22nd2024 we released the new and improved Sales Details section to Nexa! The previous version of Nexa had sales data brought in directly from M3, but this data was raw and didn't follow Kemin's established business rules. It was ultimately dropped from the Nexa Refresh design in favor of directing people to use the much more accurate sales data found within the Global Sales File.


But this meant that team members had to leave Nexa to view sales details on a customer. And there was no meaningful connection between the customer in Nexa and the sales that were associated with the customer. This disconnect was voiced heavily by the business, and so we made it a priority to bring back the sales details section.


Our primary goal with the return of sales detail was to ensure the data was accurate and pulled from the Global Sales File instead of M3 itself. The result is a more robust and dependable sales data source that is linked throughout Nexa.

For more information go here: 
