How to build complex queries in Informatica data catalog

In the search bar, you can progressively build complex search queries to search for business and technical assets. As you type your search query, the search provides intelligent suggestions.

The following table lists some sample business asset search query that you can try in the search box:

Search query

What it does

all in domain HIPAA*

Shows all assets that are children or contained in Domain assets that start with ' HIPAA'.

' all in domain Human Resources'

Shows all assets that are children or contained in Domain assets that start with the name ' Human Resources'.

business term 'phone number'

Shows all Business Term assets with the name ' Phone Number'.

business term phone*

Shows all Business Term assets that start with ' Phone'.

business terms which are critical data element

Shows all Business Term assets with Critical Data Element field as selected.

business terms in domain Finance*

Shows all Business Term assets that are children of Domain assets that start with the name ' Finance'.

business terms where format type is Text

Shows all Business Term assets with Text in the Format Type field.

business terms without description

Shows all Business Term assets with the Description field empty.

domains containing business term Email    

Shows all Domain assets that have a parent-child relationship to Business Term assets with the name Email.

business terms with stakeholder @<username>

Shows all Business Term assets with a user name or user group in the Stakeholder field.

business terms without stakeholder   

Shows all Business Term assets with the Stakeholder field empty.

business term created by @<username>   

Shows all Business Term assets with a user name or user group in the Created By field.

business term modified by @<username>   

Shows all Business Term assets with a user name or user group in the Modified By field.

all related to business term email  

Shows all assets that are related to Business Term assets with the name ' email'.

business terms related to data elements 

Shows all Business Term assets that are related to data elements.

business terms not related to data elements     

Shows all Business Term assets that are not related to data elements.

all where lifecycle is not Published     

Shows all assets where the Lifecycle field is not in the Published status.

all with lifecycle Draft       

Shows all assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.

business terms with lifecycle Draft      

Shows all Business Term assets where the Lifecycle field is in the Draft status.

domains with lifecycle Draft       

Shows all Domain assets where the Lifecycle field is in Draft status.

columns related to business term 'Phone Number'   

Shows all columns that are related to Business Term assets with the name ' Phone Number'.

columns related to data classification 'Social Security Number'     

Shows all columns that are related to data classifications with the name ' Social Security Number'.

columns related to data classification Email  

Shows all columns that are related to data classifications with the name Email.

columns not related to business term 

Shows all columns that are not related to Business Term assets.

data elements related to business term Email   

Shows all data elements that are related to Business Term assets with the name Email.

data elements related to data classification 'Social Security Number'     

Shows all data elements that are related to data classifications with the name ' Social Security Number'.

data elements not related to data classification   

Shows all data elements that are not related to any data classification.

columns Credit*      

Shows all columns that start with ' Credit'.

columns which are profiled       

Shows all columns that are profiled.

columns which are not profiled      

Shows all columns that are not profiled.

columns which are not related to data classification 

Shows all columns that are not related to data classifications.

table CUST*   

Shows all tables that start with ' CUST'.

tables with Age      

Shows all tables with the name ' Age'.

tables which are profiled       

Shows all columns that are profiled.

all with rating between 1 and 5  

Shows all assets with rating between 1 and 5 stars.

all rated by @<username>

Shows all assets with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.

all rated within last 3 days

Shows all assets rated within last 3 days.

all commented by @username

Shows all assets with comments with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.

all commented within last 2 days   

Shows all assets with comments within last 2 days.

all certified by @username       

Shows all certified assets with a user name or user group in the Updated By field.

all certified within last 10 days   

Shows all certified assets within the last 10 days.

technical datasets which are not certified 

Shows all technical Data Set assets that are not certified.

all having ratings    

Shows all assets with ratings.

all having comments   

Shows all assets with comments.

all not having ratings       

Shows all assets without ratings.

all not having comments       

Shows all assets without comments.

all which are certified       

Shows all technical Data Set assets that are certified.

tables which are certified       

Shows all tables that are certified.

files which are certified       

Shows all files that are certified.