The intent of this document is to provide Finance and Customer Service users for Hungary with a basic understanding of the processes involved in Real Time Invoice Reporting (RTIR) to the Hungarian government NAV from Infor M3 On-Prem via the Infor Localization Service Platform (LSP).
This is in compliance with the Hungarian tax authority requirement that “the invoicing software used by Hungarian tax payers has a direct data transfer with the authority. The sales invoice data must be reported in XML format in real time, without human intervention. The reporting must be done immediately after the preparation of the invoice.
The new invoiceData version 3.0 of the online invoice submission for Hungary is effective as of January 4,2021, but the tax authority has granted a grace period until March 31, 2021.
In the initial solution for online invoicing developed for Hungary in 2018, only domestic B2B invoices should be reported to the Hungarian tax authorities, Nemzeti Adó és Vámhivatal or NAV.
The scope for this new version has been extended. The reporting now includes invoices issued to individuals(B2C transactions), and invoices issued for export and intra-community transactions.” (M3 13.4, 2023)
Ordinary Invoice/Credit Note Flow
Here is a diagrammatic representation of ordinary invoice flow:
- Users create Customer Invoice or Credit Note from OIS180 in M3 for Customer Order in OIS300 CO Status is 77 and GLS040/Financial Ledgers get updated.
2. Invoice/credit note is also created in AAS390, status 20 or if re-created manually, 25, and SyncInvoice BOD (Business Object Document) is generated by AAS392MI.
3. Infor ION takes the BOD to LSP (Localization Services Platform)
4. LSP will generate the invoice in Hungarian format and send it to HU NAV.
5. HU NAV sends a response back to LSP via the Infor ION API.
6. LSP updates the invoice/credit note status in AAS390.
B. LSP Invoice Status
- Registered – all is fine, invoice accepted by NAV
- Forwarded – Invoice XML being processed
- Internal Validation Error – Errors identified by the internal validation in LSP
- External Rejection – Invoice rejected by NAV
- Third-Party Not Responding – No response from NAV Server
C. AAS390 Invoice Status
- 10 – Validated automatically
- 15 – Validated manually
- 20 – XML file created automatically
- 25 – XML file created manually
- 30 – XML file sent
- 40 – XML file rejected
- 50 – XML file annulled
- 80 – XML file accepted with warnings
- 90 – XML file accepted
- 95 – Invoice rejected by customer
Invoices/credit notes stuck in status 20 or 25 in AAS390
The usual cause is interruption in LSP server, and a ticket needs to be logged with Kemin Help Desk to request a re-start.
AAS390 Status 40
The status in LSP needs to be checked but following are the common issues and solutions:
- INVOICE_NUMBER_NOT_UNIQUE - Invoice or Credit Number duplication – invoice or credit note will have to be captured manually in NAV/RTIR with M3 Division indicator to differentiate from existing one. Status in AAS390 needs to be manually updated/raised to XML file accepted.
- MODIFY_WITHOUT_MASTER_MISMATCH - Original/Reference Invoice for the Credit Note is not found:
- Sometimes credit notes get processed first because of numbering series. Check in AAS390 that invoice is on status 90 and if so, just reset the credit note status to 25.
- Check in NAV/RTIR if the invoice was captured manually with indicator/differentiator. If so, the credit note will also have to be captured manually in NAV/RTIR and status will have to be manually updated in AAS390.
- NotTransmitted - no error and connection was interrupted; status need to be reset and LSP will re-process.
A. AAS390 Access
1.. Customer Service – limited access; not allowed to delete, set status to XML file annulled nor raise status to XML file accepted
2. Finance – full access
3. IT/M3BPT – full access
B. LSP Access
1. Customer Service – no access
2. Finance – limited access
3. IT/M3BPT –access depending on function/role
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