Role-level security (RLS) in Power BI is a feature that allows you to control which rows of data users can see in your reports, based on their role. This is useful for ensuring that users only see the data that they are authorized to see, and that sensitive data is protected.


Imagine that you have a Power BI report that shows sales data for your company. You have three different roles:

  • Sales Manager: Can see sales data for their own team and for the company as a whole.
  • Regional Manager: Can see sales data for their region and for the company as a whole.
  • Executive: Can see sales data for the entire company.

You can use RLS to ensure that each user only sees the sales data that they are authorized to see. For example, you could create a role called "Sales Manager" and then filter the sales data in the report so that only users in the "Sales Manager" role can see data for their own team.

To implement RLS, you first need to create a role in Power BI Desktop. Then, you need to define the filter that will be applied to the data for that role. You can use a variety of filters, such as:

  • User-based filters: These filters use the user's role or other attributes to determine which data they can see.
  • Date-based filters: These filters filter the data based on a specific date range or other date-based criteria.
  • Metric-based filters: These filters filter the data based on the value of a specific metric.

Once you have defined the filter for a role, you need to publish the report to the Power BI service and assign users to the role. Users will then only see the data that they are authorized to see when they view the report.