How to create big or small "EXTRA" label Finished Goods with adjustable weight

As at Sep-2023,  there is no Label Type "Extra label" in M3 On-Prem and in Prisym.

     In this regard, we will use the following when we need labels for Finished Goods with adjustable weight.:

     a. ID label format for small label

     b. PRODUCT label format for A4 label

For example, if we need to print "Extra Label" for 111260-21-E1 with 22kg as net weight:

1. We will use the M3 family item 111260. We cannot use the M3 product variant because there are ID and PRODUCT labels already linked to them Prisym.

2. In Prisym, KProduct Item Number will be "111260-PRI-PRI", Variant Id will be PRI and Packaging will be PRI.

3. Printing will be from LBL100, Label Type = PRODUCT Label (this is big label) and user needs to type in the following:
    a. Item Number = M3 family item (your example, 111260; M3 will send Item Number to Prisym as 111260-PRI-PRI)
    b. Lot number = M3 lot number
    c. Manufact date = M3 manufacturing date
    d. Expiration date = M3 expiration date
    e. EAN Code - M3 EAN Code, if applicable
    f. User Defined Text 1 = actual net weight (this is the variable/adjustable weight, for this example 22 kg)
    g. User Defined Text 2 = M3 Item Number (for this example, 111260-21-E1, this will be in Prisym job variable