The Event drop down field was removed from Actions and Contacts because it only allowed a Contact or Action to be linked to one Event. This was also causing Events to be removed from records which was not a good way to manage Events and Contacts.
In the relaunch of Nexa we replaced the single Event field with 'Related' functionality which allows a record to be Related to multiple Events, not just one. It also stopped the overwriting that was happening. This functionality is just the beginning. We plan to expand the Event functionality and the ability to connect Events to other records in the future.
To connect a Contact to an Event
- Go to the Event record that you want to connect to a Contact
- On the Event record, click the pencil icon to enter Edit mode.
- Scroll down to the Involved Contacts section and click the plus sign icon.
- Select the Company the Contact belongs to and then choose the Contact. If the Contact has an email it will auto populate for you.
Click Save.
Once you've added the Contact on the Event, the Event will automatically show in the 'Related' section of the Contact.
Clicking on the related Event tab will bring up a modal with a list of all Events that are related to the Contact. You can click the view icon to open a specific Event.