How to create EXTRA LABEL For Raw Materials and Mixtures:
1. At the moment, we will use ID or PRODUCT label category because there is no EXTRA label category yet in M3 and Prisym:
a. ID label format for small label
b. PRODUCT label format for A4 label
2. There is no Packaging and Region/Language indicator and Item Number is less than 15 characters so M3 will send xml with "PRI-PRI" added to the Item Number
3. KProduct Variant Id will be PRI and Packaging is also PRI
4. Printing from M3 will always be from LBL100 and user needs to type in the following:
a. Item Number = Raw Material or Mixture item number (example is RM00783; M3 will send Item Number to Prisym as RM00783-PRI-PRI)
b. Lot number = M3 lot number
c. Manufact date = M3 manufacturing date
d. Expiration date = M3 expiration date
e. EAN Code - M3 EAN Code, if applicable
f. User Defined Text 1 = actual net weight (this is the variable/adjustable weight, for this example 500 kg)
g. User Defined Text 2 = M3 Item Number (for this example, RM00783)