The Sales Details section (launched in February 2024) in Nexa now uses data from the Global Sales File (GSF). The old Sales Details section was not included when the new version of Nexa launched in July 2023 because we found the data to be unreliable due to how the data was formatted. You can find more information about the Sales Details launch here:
In addition to the Sales Details section in Nexa we also encourage team members to also utilize the Power BI report that that shows Sales data from the Global Sales File.
You can find a link to the report in the Help Center on Nexa in the 'Links' section. You may need to request access to view the report first.
How to request access to the GSF
Go to the IT Service Catalog SharePoint and search for ‘Submit a Request’. It should take you to this page, On that page, scroll down to the area called ‘Access Requests’ and click on the grey ’Access Request’ button.
This should open a form that looks like this:
Complete the form with your information. Then in the ‘Access Request Type’ drop down you will choose the option that says ‘SSAS Data Access and PowerBi App Access’. That will result in an area appearing below where you will choose ‘Sales Reporting’ and ‘Nexa Reporting’
Then choose if you need to see cost prices and margins or not. Last choose if you need to see your records or all records worldwide.
Once you click Save, your request will be routed for approval.