Basic principle about update of standard cost after cost roll:

Schermafbeelding 2023-05-15 om 16.43.19.png



Standard cost is not updated automatically if costing date is in the future.


PCS300 shows new standard cost (=costing type 3)  3,07 per 01-May-2023

This cost roll was done on 28-April, before the new standard cost was applicable.

In this case M3 will only change the standard cost, when a stock transaction for an item is performed, unless PCS290 runs.


In this example PCS290 did not run yet => MMS003 still shows the old standard cost. Therefore, also no revaluation (accounting event PC10) will be in CAS300 for this.

PCS290 runs per facility, with update code 1.


Item number can be entered (optional), but in most cases not used.

When the job is completed, standard cost is updated also as to be expected.

CAS300 – PC10 910


Quantity in stock: 3439,4 KG * Price difference minus 1,03€/KG = -3542,58€ as to be expected.