Prisym – Handling Support Tickets


  1. New Multilabel tickets will no longer be accepted.
    1. If we get requests for new Multilabel changes or additions, the tickets are to be closed and the response to the users should be “Since Prisym is now live, any new labels or changes to existing labels should be done in Prisym”. It will take the user less time to create a new label from scratch than it will take for all the testing and approvals needed for Multilabel.
    2. Existing Multilabel tickets will be completed.
  2. Prisym tickets in the support queue
    1. These types of tickets are to be completed by the support desk.
      1. New user requests.
      2. Install and troubleshoot printers.
      3. Mapping a network drive to our PDF shares.
    2. The rest of the tickets will be routed to the Prisym support staff regionally.
      1. EMENA – Alberto Fusco
      2. South America – Maria Vite
      3. APAC, India, and China – Raymond Zhuo
      4. North America – Tamizhselvan K