Simply guide on 'How to open a ticket' ?
There are 2 methods , i'll show you the preferred one and the other :
1) Go to this website :
2) This will be the windows where you are :
3) Write in a few words on the issue/request that you have
4) A lot of SA ( Solution Article ) will come up and you can easily browse their and search the best one for your needs
5) If there's nothing that match your needs you can open a new ticket by click the red button in the top right corner [ New Ticket]
6) This will be the windows when you can insert the information about your request :
7) All done ! To check-out the status of your request you can click on the link received via email or go in the home page ( ) and click on [ Your Ticket ]
Second method is to send the request via email to : [email protected]
- To check-out the status of your request follow the step 7.