LabVantage and Jaspersoft Studio are Java based applications, so you need to have a Java Runtime Environment set up on computers running a local LabVantage installation or designing reports with Jasper.
Installing OpenJDK (v1.8.0)
- Download openjdk from RedHat here:
- Run the installer
- Ensure the jdk was installed and is working as expected by opening a command prompt and typing "java -version" into it and pressing enter. Your command prompt window should look similar to this
- If you see a "java not recognized" type of message, try restarting your computer and test again. If it's still not recognized, try the install steps again.
Installing Jasper Reports (v6.14)
- Download Jasper Reports from here:
- Run the installer
Uncheck the box so you don't run it, there is still some configuration needing done.
Set up the SQL Server JDBC driver (v8.4.1)
- Download the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC from here:
- Create the following directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft JDBC Driver 8.4 for SQL Server\
- Open the downloaded zip file and browse into ..\sqljdbc_8.4\enu and copy mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar into the directory you just created
- Open Jaspersoft Studio. If you are presented with an update, do not update and disable the automatic check in the preferences by clicking the preferences link in the popup. Some of the newer versions have issues with LabVantage integration.
- If you're opening Jaspersoft Studio for the first time, close the welcome screen.
- You should see the main application now with Data Adapters in the upper left. Click on the Create Data Adapter button and select Database JDBC Connection in the Data Adapter window and click Next >.
- Enter the information for the new data adapter. Each database will need its own data adapter. This example is for the LabVantage test database. After entering the details, move to the Driver Classpath tab.
- Click the Add button and browse to and select the JDBC file from earlier
- Click the Test button and you should see the Successful message.
- Repeat steps 6-9 to add additional data adapters as needed.
- To import the existing reports, go to the Project Explorer tab in Jaspersoft Studio, right click anywhere in the area, New -> Project
- In the New Project Wizard, select Jaspersoft Studio -> JasperReports Project and click Next, then enter a name for the project (I used LabVantage), and click Finish
- To import existing reports from the server, right click on the new project you created (LabVantage in my case) and go to Import
- Select General -> File System and browse to \\\labvantage\labvantagehome\applications\labvantage\reports and click OK. Check OOB and PSO on the side to import all the report templates, then click Finish and all reports will be imported into your system.
- Your Project Explorer should look similar to this after the import
Setup sapphire library for REPORT_SCRIPTLET
- Download sapphire.jar from this solution article and save it into C:\Users\[YourUserAccountHere]\JaspersoftWorkspace\LabVantage\bin
- Right click the project you created in Jasper -> Properties
- In the Properties window that pops up, go to the Libraries tab and click the Add External JARS... button.
- Browse to the sapphire.jar file from step 1 and add it
- Click Apply and Close to add the library to your project.
- Your project should now look similar to this
Configuring Jasper library
- We need to set the library compatibility to 6.3.1. Go to Window -> Preferences
- In the Preferences window, go to Jaspersoft Studio -> Compatibility and set the library version to JasperReports 6.3.1
- Click Apply and Close
Your system is ready to design and troubleshoot report files. There is one last thing to do in order to allow special symbols to be used on reports using the templates designed in Jaspersoft Studio. There is already a solution article written for that here: