Tests/datasets with the retested flag set will not be reported on the COA. Previously, there was no way to remove the Retested flag from a test or dataset. There is now an option in the Edit Sample area. Retested means that there should be an additional entry that is the retest, it does not mean that the test/dataset marked is the retest. It seems counterintuitive to mark the "bad" test as retested instead of the test that is the retest, but the design is to accommodate when multiple retests are performed and you want to report the test that was not marked as needing to be retested.
- The sample must be in an editable status (not released/approved) so the batch and sample will need to be UnReleased/UnReviewed.
- Enter the Edit Sample page by either clicking the Sample Id in the Sample > Manage tramstop page or selecting the sample and clicking the Edit button.
- In the Edit Sample page, scroll to the bottom to find the Tests tab
- Uncheck the Retested checkbox
- Go to the DataSets tab
- Uncheck the Retested checkbox
- Save the sample edits with the Save button in the top toolbar of the page.
This will now allow the test to be reported on the COA and the change is tracked through the audit trail.