IMPORTANT: transactions in a new M3 warehouse are not allowed before Finance- and Logistic Managers approve to start using the new warehouse, and after below steps have been completed.


IT creates a new warehouse, if possible copy from a similar warehouse within the same facility.

For warehouses within the Russian divisions, a specific supplier will be created, to be used in MMS005/E.

Users need to check details and update as needed (e.g. place of load, VAT reg no that comes from supplier,…).

CRS235 – users create / update internal address type 1 – final destination address.

MMS040 – Stock Zones


To be created or updated as needed by users.

MMS010 – Stock Locations 


To be created or updated as needed by users.



Additional steps for Russian divisions – customer set up. Example is for warehouse 366 from division ERL.

CRS620/P – log in to the Russian division if not already there and update CRS620/P:

Open CRS620 / select actions + Settings (F13); that brings you to panel P and update if needed: panel X should be included.

In CRRU03, update Full name RU as needed.

CRS620/E - Check all details and update as needed.

In CRS622 – create a record for address type 01 with a valid from date.


Ad no: use name of the division, in this case division is ERL.

CRS622/E - Enter / update details as needed