Upgrade Sage Evolution Workstation/Admin - For Users

The installation files are saved on the location: \\za_ssa_fin_pas\Thyme\Evolution."

Run the setup.exe file.


1. Complete the Username and Organization with the correct user details, then click on next.


2. Click "Next again" to confirm the installation.

3. Select the Upgrade option.


4. Select "Agree to the license agreement", then click on next.

5. Leave the default installation location unchanged, like below

5. Under installation type, select "Workstation" or Admin depending on the user’s access, then click on next.

6. This is where you need to pay attention. You should only select the modules that you are registered for. 

(If you forgot to install, or accidentally left out anything, you can rerun the installation then select the upgrade option on step 3. If you select more than you need, the program will still work.)

7. Leave the default settings then click on next.


8. Click on Install to start the installation

NB for upgrades, there is no need to locate databases.