Sometimes, the system returns the error below when you save after making changes to the Level Rules which shows there is a conflict in the s_levelruleid column in the database.

This is caused by there being a gap in the unique IDs behind the scenes, in the database.  It's possible that when the level rule was originally created, one was deleted and replaced with another, which caused the sequence to get out of sync.  The solution to this is to remove all level rules of the state you're making changes on, then save, then re-add all of the level rules and save again.

In the above example, I was trying to change Level Rule 2 from Every 10 Batches to Quarterly, as shown here

Saving this results in the error message being displayed and the change not taking effect.  In order to make this change, you have to remove all levels and save, then re-add them.  These are the steps to get around this error.

  1. Enter the Level Rule Edit mode by clicking the button in that section with the three-dot ellipses.
  2. Do the following
  3. Save.
  4. You'll see the State looking similar to this, which still isn't ready for the new rules.
  5. Go back into the edit mode and click the Remove Rule button.  You'll see the following message, click Close and then Return on the window behind.
  6. The Level Rule should now be completely blank, Save it.
  7. Go back into edit mode, and re-add all the level rules.
  8. Click Return and Save.
  9. You should now see and Operation Successful message and the rules should be set up the way you wanted them

It's important to save in between the steps to ensure it is working with all the correct information and should help prevent this from happening again if it needs to be modified again in the future.