Batch Rejection Report

This report is used for notifying Ops/others that a batch has failed testing.  The report will contain everything marked Report in the specifications of the product in LabVantage.  All replicates, retested, and outlier results are included on the report.

Entering notes to be included on the report

When rejecting a batch, there is an opportunity to enter a note about the batch, perhaps why it was rejected.  This is done during the batch Review & Release initiated from the Pending Release page.

Generating the report

The report can easily be created from the Historical Batch page via the Rejection Report button near the COA button. Select the batch and click the button, the report should be generated and displayed to be saved and sent where necessary.

Fields on the report

The header of the report contains batch details fields.  Results, specifications, parameters, and the pass/fail condition of the results against the specs are in the middle section.  Notes, if any were entered during rejection, are included at the bottom of the report.  For the condition, there are also 3 additional tags: Outlier, Retested, and RT + OL (retested + outlier).  Any parameters marked Retested/RT shows a result that was marked as needing retested, it is not the retested results.

Example report

This is an example report with a retested parameter.  The note entered during the rejection is displayed at the lower section of the report.



Potential issues

If an expected parameter is not being displayed on the report, it is most likely because the spec’s Report column for the parameter is not set to Yes/checked.  If a parameter that is not expected to be on the report is displayed, the Report column in the spec for that parameter needs to be changed.

Changes made to the system

Item Type
Item Name
Page LV_HistBatchList edit
Report KeminBatchRejection new