Logitech Rally Plus Videoconference Equipment Setup at the Marigold Boardroom

STEP 1: Powering On the Videoconference Equipment

1. Power ON the Prism+ 86" LCD TV by pressing the power ON button of the Prism+ Remote Control Unit. The Prism+ LCD TV video is set for HDMI 1 connection.

2. Power ON the Logitech Display Hub. (The power switch is located in the at the back & left side of the Prism+ LCD TV Monitor).

3. Power ON the Logitech Table Hub. (The power switch is located in the middle hinged top power & data outlet). 

4. Power ON the main power supply for the Marigold Boardroom Laptop PC. (The power switch is located in the hinged top power & data just in front of the Laptop PC).

5. Ensure that the two USB Type C connectors, the power connector and and LAN cable connector, are connected to its designated port assignment in the Laptop PC. CAUTION: DO NOT interchange the connection as to prevent damage to the the Laptop PC and the videoconference equipment.

SETP 2: Setting up the Laptop PC for MS Team Meeting

1. Launch MS Team Meeting on your Laptop PC and key in your Kemin email address and password.

2. Start an MS Team Meeting.

3. By default, the Laptop PC will automatically detect the videoconference devices connected on the Laptop PC such as the camera, speaker & MIC.

4. To ensure a smooth MS Team Meeting, please do a quick check that the correct videoconference devices are selected and set.

5. As shown in the figure below, click the three dots then the Device settings.

6. Ensure that the Audio devices set is Logitech Rally.

7. For the Speaker, it should be set to Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Logi Rally Audio).

8. For the Microphone, it should be set to Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Logi Rally Audio).

9. For the Camera, it should be set to Logi Rally Camera.

SETP 3: Controlling the Video Camera, Speaker & MIC during an MS Team Meeting

1. Below is a picture of the Rally Bar remote that is used primarily for camera, volume (speaker), and mute (MIC) control during your videoconference meeting.

2. The Camera control is used for changing the focus of your meeting object view.

3. The Volume control is used to change the speaker volume.

4. The Mute control is used to mute or unmute the MIC or to power ON/OFF the MIC.

Powering off the Videoconference Equipment When the MS Meeting Ends

1. Logoff the MS Team and shutdown the Main Boardroom Laptop PC.

2. Switch OFF the main Laptop PC power.

3. Power OFF the Logitech Table Hub.  

4. Power OFF the Logitech Display Hub.

5. Power OFF the Prism+ 86" LCD TV by pressing the power OFF button of the Prism+ Remote Control Unit.