


Price list table can be entered.


In this example price list table = N01.

Price list tables are in OIS012.


Can be set up in different ways, based on the control table.

Table N01 has only 1 priority.


Selection of the price list is on field OKCFC9 from CRS610 Customer Master.

In this case, the link between this field and corresponding price list is done in OIS012.




Price list for this customer = 71.

Customer’s currency = EUR.



Price list can be set up accordingly with correct from- and to dates.


This example of the price list is not customer specific.


The sales price is fetched from the price list as to be expected.


(previously deleted the customer specific price list for testing / documenting).

Created a customer specific price list now.


With different sales price.


Now also, the sales price is fetched as to be expected.