The new freight cost management process rolled out as of 1st of July 2021 defines 5 possible options:

    1. Freight on delivered price


    2. Freight charge on customer order header


    3. Freight charge on customer order Line


    4. Customer orders with freight charges only and no order lines


    5. Canada [Y-Freight] item


The SSAS_KMN data cube has been then updated to reflect these changes while maintaining full compatibility with historical process.


The new measures added are listed below:

    • [Total freight charge] : this measure includes all charges which are entered in M3 with accounting control object 'FRT'; values are automatically converted to the reporting currency selected on the report.

    • [Total freight income]: this measure includes [Total freight charge], [Discount amount 1] and [Y-Freight] (the [Y-Freight] component is only available in Canada). Values are automatically converted to the reporting currency selected on the report.