Within Kemisphere, you can follow pages or people or entire sites and receive notifications whenever content changes there. You can click on the little 3-star icon to open up the Following menu.

When you are on any page within Kemisphere, you can click on either "Follow Page" to follow just the page you are on, or you can click on "Follow Site" to follow the entire site. This will add your selection to the Following section and you will receive notifications within Kemisphere anytime content is updated on that page or site.

There is also a section where you can view any mandatory content that is necessary for you to interact with.

In addition to sites and pages, you can follow people, as well, and receive notifications whenever those people create content anywhere on Kemisphere. To follow a person, you can visit their profile page and then click on the Follow button. They will also show up in your Following section and you can remove them at any time and stop receiving notifications.