When you click on the little apps icon in the very top bar of Kemisphere, it will drop down a large menu of applications and links that are separated into 3 sections: My Apps, Office 365 Apps, and Company Apps. You can add your own customized list of apps based on those provided to give yourself a “launchpad” of Kemin applications.


  1. Click on the apps icon to open the Apps and Tools section to expand it. There are 3 buttons that show the apps in this section. These lists will be expanded over time to include many other apps that Kemin uses.
    1. My Apps is your customized list
    2. Office 365 Apps are O365 shortcuts
    3. Company Apps are other Kemin-specific tools and resources
  2. Click on “Manage” to the right to bring up a window that shows all of the apps available to you.
  3. Check the box to the right to add that app to your own My Apps list.
  4. Click “Finish” when you have added the apps you want.
  5. Then click “Save Changes”.


Now when you go to your My Apps section, you should have a list of the apps that you selected viewable. You can click on the arrows on the top left of each app box to drag the app around to where you want it. You can also click the X on the top right to remove the app.


Click the X at the top navigation bar to close the Apps and Tools section.