Bookmarks help to capture the currently configured view of a report page, including:  

  • Filters and slicers (including slicer state) 
  • State of the visual's selection  
  • Drill location  
  • Sorting within visuals  
  • Visibility of the report element  
  • Focus or spotlight mode, if any  

Just like a bookmark that helps us to return to the page while reading a book, a bookmark in Power BI lets us return to the view of a report page. There are numerous utilizations for bookmarking in Power BI. For example, in a more advanced case, we can utilize power BI Bookmark to create a PowerPoint-like introduction by linking bookmarks for each report page to navigation buttons. However, we will first start from the basics which is how to use bookmarks to take a snapshot of the reports in Power BI service.  


The report below is a volume analysis of Kemin's sales data. As one can see, there are many slicers on the page: year, salesperson, business units, month, and currency, which are a lot of slicers to click through before achieving the desired page for reporting. What if we want to always have access to a page that shows the data for KANA in Augsut 2013 for example?  Here is when bookmarks come in handy. 

Sales person view - Power Bl C Update Kemin Industries Apps Power BI Sales WW sw Sales WW Customer overview Open orders Overview by customer type Focus on product groups Volume analysis Weekly White Paper Repor... Sales person view without . KFT Monthly Sales report Global sales report Go back x o File v' Export v Share v KEW Sales Overview Net sales actual vs budget Sales person view v Chat in Teams Comment Gross Margin actual vs budg... p Search USD Search (Blank) Aamir Razaque Abhimanyu Chugh Abhimanyu Kumar Abid Zouhair Product Group Name ACIDIFIERS AMINO ACIDS ANTIMICROBIALS BASES 310 SURFACTANTS CAROTENOIDS CONTAINERS CUSTOMER FREIGH DISINFECTANTS ENERGY PRODUCTS ENZYM ES EXPENSE ITEMS FLAVORS FORAGE PRESERVA INTESTINAL FLT* MOLD INHIBITORS NATURAL ANTIOXI KG's 1 000bn 312 74M 159./,OM 0.00M I _02bn ACCOUNT MANAGER : VAC... Net sales + open orders vs budget ACCOUNT MANAGER: TANZ... sog83M Budget Net Sales 4506, 1 10.69 Budget KG's 304,000 58,510 363,786 KG's 25,725 2,116 38,128 367,458 (Blank) ETA KAA KAC KAE KAI KANA KAQ KASA KB KC KCB KCT Kemin Agri KFTAP KETCH KFTEMEA 2013 2014 4,478 16,277 824,000 112,916 224,539 387.70M 0.00bn Customer Name DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS AG NUTRA BLEND LLC ROYAL CANIN FRANCE DIAMOND PET FOODS HILL'S PET NUTRITION COLGATE PALMOLIVE 102bn KG's 102bn Net Sales Total Net Sales PY 28,989 763.01 Ordered quantity 20,916.00 220,293.50 1000, 564.00 820,346.04 636,286.50 5,968.09348 Net Sales, Budget Net Sales, Net Sales PY and net sales + open orders by Month Number 1,141.00 'Net Sales • Budget Net Sales 'Net Sales PY •net sales * open orders 149,290.50 100M 109800.00 113,400.00 360373.00 467,200.00





Step 1: Manipulate the page to your desired configurations. KANA, 2013, 8, and EUR are selected for business unit, year, month, and currency. The column "Net Sales" is also sorted in descending order.  

Sales person view - Power Bl C x • Apps Kemin Industries Power BI Sales WW sw Sales WW Customer overview Open orders Overview by customer type Focus on product groups Volume analysis Neekly White Paper Repor... Sales person view without <FT Monthly Sales report Global sales report Go back File 'v' Export Share v KEW Sales Overview Net sales actual vs budget Sales person view v Chat in Teams Comment Grass Margin actual vs budg... t) p Search a v ÜvÖ CD @ D CD COD USD EUR Update Local p Search Adam Shuknecht [1 Alan Sandoval Alex Pletsch Alvaro Garcia Bill Stinemates Brian Spannagel Bryan Horn (Blank) ETA KAA KAC KASA KCH KCT Kernin Agri KFTAp KFTCH KFTEMEA 0.00M '99M Net sales + open orders vs budget 0.00M Net Sales 612.29661 272201.10 260,636.86 179,673.0 135,30643 -23M 2.23M Budget Net Sales 278,614.74 169,501.53 166,494.09 594,553.46 Product Group Name •oas DON'T use ACIDIFIERS ANTIMICROBIALS BIO SURFACTANTS CAROTENOIDS CONTAINERS ENERGY PRODUCTS EXPENSE ITEMS FORAGE PRESERVA INTESTINAL HLTH MOLD INHIBITORS NATURAL ANTIOXI OTHER RAW MATERIALS RUMEN BYPASS SURFACTANTS SYNTHETIC ANTIO KG's 80.205 211,775 30,005 119,385 70,989 161,255 63,226 466,123 145,175 12,410 23,530 1.526.158 Budget KG's 51,979 285,836 26,500 96,627 54,267 99,669 66,623 643,698 191,394 18,861 28,751 1.669.857 KG's 190 48,496 208,433 19,981 51,857 62,567 65,563 38,775 681,775 140,725 13,210 28,401 1.486.788 4.15M 0.00M Customer Name NUTRA BLEND LLC RIDLEY USA, INC ADM ANIMAL NUTRITION PROVIMI NORTH AMERICA INC. PURINA ANIMAL NUTRITION LLC L.99M 09M 186.934,18 35,079.50 96,69428 26,956.67 Total Net Sales PY 237,520.70 144,872.15 133,245.61 211,370.85 Ordered quantity Net Sales. Budget Net Sales. Net Sales PY and net sales open orders by Month Number 'Net Sales •Budget Net Sales 'Net Sales PY •net sales open orders



Step 2: Select the bookmark icon on the upper right corner -> Select "Add a personal bookmark". 

0 Personal bookmarks Capture this report's current state Cl Add a personal bookmark Is KG's O '9 6 7 Dp Show more bookmarks 19,981 51,857



Step 3: Name the bookmark and click save.  

O Personal bookmarks Capture this report's current state etKG's KG's 0 26,500 96,627 54,267 0 99,669 66,623 KANA 2013 August Make default view rp Show more bookmarks Save 65,563 38,775



And that's it! When you select the bookmark, the  configured page will appear like below.  

File v Export 12 Share v Sales Overview Net sales actual vs budget Chat in Teams Gross Margin actual vs budg... Comment Product Group Name *OBS DON'T USE* ACIDIFIERS ANTIMICROBIALS BIO SURFACTANTS CAROTENOIDS CONTAINERS ENERGY PRODUCTS EXPENSE ITEMS FORAGE PRESERVA INTESTINAL FLTH MOLD INHIBITORS NATURAL ANTIOXI 0TH E R RAW MATERIALS RUMEN BYPASS SURFACTANTS SYNTHETIC ANTIO CD 12 D Search Adam Shuknecht Alan Sandoval Alex Pletsch Alvaro Garcia Bill Stinemates Brian Spannagel Bryan Hom (Blank) ETA KAA KAC KAE KAI KANA KAQ KASA KB KC KCH KCT Kemin Agri KFTAp KFTCH KFTEMEA 2013 415M 0.00M '99M 0.00M 4.99M Net sales + open orders vs budget -23M 2.23M Budget Net Sales 673,886.74 278,614.74 169,501.53 166,494.09 594,553.46 KG's 174 80,205 211,775 30005 119,385 70989 161,255 63,226 466, 123 25 400 145, 175 12,410 23,530 1,526.158 4.15M 0.00M Customer Name NUTRA BLEND LLC RIDLEY USA, INC ADM ANIMAL NUTRITION PROVIMI NORTH AMERICA INC. PURINA ANIMAL NUTRITION LLC 4.99M '99M KG's 186,934.18 59,979.03 35,079.50 96,694.28 26,956.67 Budget KG's 0 51,979 285,836 26,500 96,627 54,267 99,669 66,623 643,698 75 285 191,394 18,861 28,751 Net Sales, Personal bookmarks O KANA 2013 August Add a personal bookmark KG's Dp Show more bookmarks 51,857 5 62,567 65,563 38,775 681,775 125 285 200 140,725 13,210 28,401 Budget Net Sales, Net Sales PY and net sales + open orders by Month Number Net Sales 612,296.61 272,201.10 260.63686 179,67389 135.30643 Total Net Sales PY 693,048.11 237,520.70 144,872.15 133,245.61 211,370.85 Ordered quantity Net Sales •8udget Net Sales 'Net Sales PY •net sales + open orders 4M



If you wish to return to the default view, simply click the reset icon to the left of the bookmarks icon. This will reset all the filters, slicers, and other data view changes you've made.  

Power Bl Sales WW Sales person view v Chat in Teams Comment p Search File v Export Share v KEW Sales Overview Net sales actual vC budge' t) sw Sales WW Customer overview Open orders Overview by customer type Focus on product groups Volume analysis 'eekly White Paper Repor... iles person view without . Monthly Sales report lobal sales report •oss Margin actual s budg- Product Group Name KG's Budget KG's KG's x ___l Search Adam Shuknecht Alan Sandoval Alex Pletsch Alvaro Garcia Bill Stinemates Brian Spannagel Bryan Horn (Blank) ETA KAA KAC KAE KAI KANA KAQ KASA KB KCT Kemin Agri KFTAP KETCH KFTEMEA Reset to default Do you want to reset filters, slicers, and other data view changes you've made? SYNTHETIC ANTIO Reset 23,530 1,526.158 Customer Name NUTRA BLEND LLC RIDLEY USA, INC ADM ANIMAL NUTRITION PROVIMI NORTH AMERICA INC, KG's 186,934.18 59,979.03 35,079.50 96,694.28 Net Sales Budget Net Sales Total Net Sales PY 693,048.11 237,520.70 144,872.15 133,245.61 Ordered quantity Cancel 28,401 1,669.857 1,486.788 Net Sales, Budget Net Sales, Net Sales PY and net sale: )pen orders by Month Numbe • Net Sales •Budget Net Sales 'Net Sales PY •net sales * open orders 612,296.61 272,201.10 260,636.86 179,673.89 673,886.74 278,614.74 169,501.53 166,494.09



If you wish to update, rename, delete, or make default of a bookmark, click the three dots on the right of the bookmark.  

Comment Produ *OBS I ACIDIF ANTIN BIO CARO CONT, Update •It Make default ZIZ Rename X Delete ENERGY PRODU EXPENSE ITEMS FORAGE PRESERVA 161,255 62 99,669 Personal bookmarks O KANA 2013 August Add a personal bookmark Dp Show more bookmarks 11,857 5 65,563 775



As a simple but powerful feature, bookmarking can be applied in a whole range of different reporting scenarios. So, it is extremely important to understand the various options that come with bookmarks since subtle differences in how the bookmark is used can result a huge impact on the whole report experience.  

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