You can open the Address Book from:

A) The "Home" tab in Outlook.

B)  The "Message" tab in a new email window. 

You can do a direct search (1) in the "(Offline) Global Address List".

Or you can open the dropdown list (2) to do a narrow search (3).


All Contacts = External Contacts

All Distribution Lists = Kemin Distribution List 

All Groups =  User created adresses 

All Rooms = Kemin Meeting Rooms

All Users = Kemin User or Shared mailboxes

Public Folders = Folders

Offline Global Address List = All above items

You can identify the type by the icon infront of the name.

Items with no icon are created by users.


When you find the user you can double click to open it.

General = General info

Organization = Manager and Direct reports

Phone/Notes =  All phone numbers

Member Of = All the Distribution lists the user is a member of

E-mail Addresses =  all e-mail addresses (aliases) of the user

If you want to know what distrubution list a user is a part of you can look up the user and check its "Member Of" tab.

If you look up and open a Distribution List you can check who is a part of it:

General = Owner and Members

Member Of = Other distribution lists this group is a member of.

E-mail Addresses =  all e-mail addresses (aliases) of the distribution list.