Products are pulled into Nexa from M3 each night (Des Moines time) by an automated process. Products are not added to Nexa manually. The automated web job looks for any additions/changes made M3 within the last 7 days to determine which Products to add to or update in Nexa. 

In order for a product to display in Nexa it must be set up in M3 with the criteria below. When a product is updated or created in M3 it can take up to seven days for the product to show up in Nexa. Once a Product is pulled into the system, Nexa then checks which BU (or BUs) can see the Product. Nexa uses the facility listed in M3 to determine which BU can see the product in Nexa. BUs can only see products that they sell. 


Product Group is NOT 600 or 800

Item Number does not start with a Q (allowed for KTA), S, M, Y, or TEMP

Sales Item value is 1, 2; or 0 with Configuration Code 2.

Status = 20

If you there is a Product that you believe should be in Nexa but is not showing you should do the following. 

  1. Search the Product Drop Down with the name of the product or the number. Try searching for just part of the name or number instead of the entire name/number.
  2. Check to see if you've selected the correct Product Group. The Product Group/Business Area selection will filter the Product list to show only the Products for that Product Group.
    1.  Product Group/Business Area can also take up to 7 days to populate in Nexa after being created in M3. If the Product Group is new you may need to wait to see it in Nexa along with it's Products.
  3. Reach out to the person or team that is responsible for adding/updating Products in M3 for your BU and ask them to check that the Product matched the criteria detailed above. 
  4. Reach out to the person or team that is responsible for adding/updating Products in M3 for your BU and ask them to check that the facility for the Product is a facility for your BU. Facility is what Nexa uses to determine which BUs can see which Products. 
  5. Reach out to the person or team that is responsible for adding/updating Products in M3 for your BU and ask them to check to see if the Product is associated with the correct Product Group is correct and set up for the same BU as the Product.