In case you want to display all items which are included in a specific Power Platform you can proceed as follows using Power BI.

  • Create a   new page in your report by clicking the ‘+’ button on the bottom of the screen


  • From the Visualizations panel, select a Table element


  • An empty table will be added on the main central area of the report
  • Select the empty table just added with a single left button mouse click
  • Go to the Fields panel on the right side of the screen
  • Type Item name

  • Select the Item Name field; the column will be added to the table visual
  • Select the Item Number column too
  • The table visual will contain two columns displaying them item name and item number

  • De-select the table by clicking any empty spot on the main screen area
  • Go to Visualizations and select  a Slicer element

  • This will add a new slicer on the main report area



  • Select the new slicer element  and then go to  the Fields panel on the right side of the screen
  • Type Power Platforms


  • Select the Power Platform column
  • Go to the Fields panel on the right side of the screen
  • Type Power Platforms

  • This will add the Power Platform column to the new slicer
  • Use the slicer to filter the items on the main table