MMS015 – Entering alternate unit of measures

The alternate unit of measure (U/M) is an alternative option for the basic U/M for an item. An unlimited number of alternate U/Ms may be defined for each item.

Alternative U/Ms for an item are entered in (MMS015 - Item. Connect Alternate U/M) along with an alternate U/M type, that controls how the U/M is used.

In this program, the user can define the alternative U/Ms that are to be used as default values in different situations.

When transactions are entered, the default U/M is suggested. If no U/M has been registered, the item's basic U/M is retrieved.



  1. Creating an alternate U/M for quantity (type 1)


In MMS015, Enter the type and the alternate U/M and click Create



In MMS015/E, enter the conversion factor (the size of the package), the conversion form 1-Multiplication and the number of decimals.

Order multiple and packaging can be entered to specify the size of the packages.



The Simulate Conversion Calculation function can be used to check the settings are correct.

Standard U/M options should not be used.



  1. Creating an alternate U/M for pricing (type 2)

In MMS015, Enter the type and the alternate U/M and click Create

In MMS015/E, enter the conversion factor (the size of the package), the conversion form 1-Multiplication.



MMS015 – An item can be connected to several alternate U/M as needed



  1. PPS200 – Entering a PO using an alternate unit of measure


We are going to use the purchase process as an example of how to use the alternate U/M in M3.


  1. PPS200 – Entering a PO



PPS200/E – PO header detail


  1. PPS201 – Entering the PO line

Enter the item number and then browse the PO unit of measure field.



Select the alternate U/M

Enter the price and select the unit of measure for the price, then click Add



PPS201/E – PO line detail


PPS201/F – Select the packaging


PPS200/B1 – PO lines are created.

The same PO can have the same item in different lines with different unit of measures.



  1. PPS300 – Goods Receiving


  1. PPS300 – Receiving a PO line

Entering PO number

In PPS300/B, selecting the PO line




In PPS300/E, completing the goods receiving information

Concluding the goods receiving step



  1. LIS200 – Reporting QC inspection

Selecting the LI request


In LIS101, selecting tests to be reported




LIS101 – Test results have been reported


LIS200/E – Approving lot



PPS310 – Approving inventory

LIS200 – QC inspection completed



  1. PPS320 – Inventory put away

PPS320 – Inventory put away


Selecting location based on the package size. Clicking NEXT will complete the process.