Requesting Access To the BlueSheets application
NOTE: Please be aware access to Blue Sheets is BU based.  There are 3 different types of access requests.  
  1. Global BlueSheet access (valid for all BUs, except KN and KAE)

  2. KN BlueSheet access (additional requirements are described below the general access request rules). 

  3. KAE BlueSheet access (KAE is not using the global Blue Sheet process.  See KAE Blue Sheet SiteFor KAE Blue Sheets support, please contact Claudia Polders.

When requesting access for both Global (1) and KN BlueSheets (2)

you need to provide the below information in a request ticket

  1. the BU you need access to
  2. the BU Owner for approval mail, to be included in the helpdesk ticket

Additional information for KN BlueSheets access:

There are different levels of KN Blue Sheets access,

Please include the kind of KN Blue Sheets Access needed, as described below:

1) READ only

   1a) LIVE  READ only

   1b) MAINTENANCE - READ only

2)   LIVE (read) and MAINTENANCE (edit)

3)   ARCHIVE access (READ only)

4) Automate buttons

   4a) Execute access to the move to LIVE” button 

   4b) Execute access to the copy to MAINT” button 

   4c) Execute access to the "move from LIVE to ARCHIVE" button