It may be so that allocatable was deselected in MMS060 manually to disable automatic allocation. If needed, it can be selected in MMS060 again.


However, it may also occur that allocatable is not selected in MMS060 balance identity AND in  MMS235 item master, so that also manual allocation is not possible.


This article shows this can be caused and also can be resolved with a reclassification in MMS130.

In this example, goods are allocatable before reclassification to another item number.

Reclassification is done from MMS235 + open related option 38, which opens MMS130

When allocatable is deselected in MMS130, goods will not be allocatable after the reclassification.

Shows not allocatable in MMS060:

Also shows in MMS235 lot master

Solution is to do another 

reclassification from 

MMS235 + option 38

 => MMS130 opens. 

Not making any changes, since in this case, only purpose is to select allocatable…

Goods now are allocatable.