The VLOOKUP function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Lookup/Reference Function.
It performs a vertical lookup by searching for a value in the first column of a table and returning the value in the same row in the index_number position. VLOOKUP supports approximate and exact matching, and wildcards (*) for partial matches.
The syntax for the VLOOKUP function in Microsoft Excel is:
VLOOKUP( value, table, index_number, [approximate_match] )
Parameters or Arguments:
The value to search for in the first column of the table.
Two or more columns of data that is sorted in ascending order.
The column number in table from which the matching value must be returned. The first column is 1.
Enter FALSE to find an exact match. Enter TRUE to find an approximate match. If this parameter is omitted, TRUE is the default.
Table in Sheet 1 & Sheet 2:
1. To Return the Item Name and Product Group to Sheet 1:
Parameters or Arguments:
The Item Number in Sheet 1 Column A
The table from Sheet 2 to match with Item Number, we start from column B to column D
To return from Sheet 2 Product Group we put 2 as the index number (count start from Sheet 2 Column B to Column C), for Item Name will be index number 3.
Input as FALSE to get the exact match result.
2. To Return the Opening and Closing balance for the item:
=IFNA(VLOOKUP("*"&A2&"*",Sheet1!$A$2:$E$17,5,FALSE),"NOT FOUND")
Parameters or Arguments:
If you only have the [Sheet 2] Family Item, then we can use wild card (*) to replace the unknown front or behind characters "*"&A2&"*" to partial match with [Sheet 1] Item Number.
The table from Sheet 1 to match with Item Number, we start from column A to column E.
To return Opening we put 4 as the index number (count start from Sheet 1 Column A to Column D), for Closing will be index number 5.
Input as FALSE to get the exact match result.
*To handle instances where the VLOOKUP function does not find a match and returns the #N/A error, we can use the ISNA, IFERROR and IFNA functions to return "Not Found"