Issue: item was copied in MMS001. The item was also created for warehouse 720 and in facility G65, while they’re not using it.
Example: RM95346 Exists in warehouse 720 and in MMS003 facility G65 |
M3 may block you from deletion if a planned order exist. |
Planned transactions are shown in MRP - MMS080.
It shows a system planned PO. MMS080 shows safety stock = 70 (came with the copy).
In this example, order quantity is set = 105 => same quantity used for the system planned order. |
Go to MMS002/F, set safety stock = 0 and go out of the record. |
In MMS080, the system planned order still shows the system planned order => go to Actions + F18 Calculate MRP… |
And the system planned order has disappeared. |
M3 now allows deletion in MMS002. After doing so, it will also be deleted automatically from MMS003, unless the item also exists in another warehouse from this facility. |
MMS002 deletion not permitted – planned order exists
Modified on: Mon, 6 May, 2024 4:52 AM
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