Step 1: Invite external people


Go To Outlook -> Calendar -> New Teams Meeting



Add the external contact in the “required” or “optional” field.  There can be multiple external persons, together with Kemin-people.  It can be a mix.

In the example, I added a non-Kemin mailaddress, and you see there is a link to a Teams meeting added.



2. The external contact to accept the meeting


The external contact opens the mail and clicks on “Join Microsoft Team Meeting”


The user has the choice to download the app, or use the web.  The next screens are based on using the web


User decides to use microphone and or camera.  This can be adjusted later also.


External contact needs to add a name, and then selects to join. 

In this screen, the audio and video settings can be changed


Now the user needs to await permission by the organiser


3. Organiser to grant access to external invitee


Organiser will see a message to grant access


Select View Lobby, or Admit