All is described in the attachment

  1. How to read this document in a readable format

    1. Save this document somewhere on your computer
    2. Open Excel
    3. Go to Data-tab and select From Text / CSV.  

  1. Browse to your file where you saved it (you can filter this search by selecting “Text files (*csv) “.  In this example the file was saved in the downloads folder.  Then click Import

  1. In the next screen, make sure the “Delimer” is Semicolon.  If it is not Semicolon you can change it using the dropdown button

  1. Next hit “Load”

The data is now readable.


  1. What does the data mean?

The meaning of the columns is explained in the document “NPS-exportcatalog_NL_update 2019.doc which you added to the ticket.  As it is a “Export95” document, you can find this back on page 17&18.